Automating the connection of your servers in Azure (PowerShell script) – English Version

Automating the connection of your servers in Azure (PowerShell script) – English Version

After several days of thinking, I was wondering how to make it even easier to integrate servers into Azure.

That’s why I decided to set up a little script that can take care of that for us.


Our test infrastructure has a Domain Controller and two « DATA » servers that are in this domain:

AD server:

  • / IP=

DATA Server

  • / IP=
  • IP=

Script creation

The idea would be to reference all our servers in a .csv file that we will import in our script:

$CSV = Import-CSV -Path « C:\Users\AdministratorDesktop\script.csv » -Delimit « , »

Once this task is done, we will connect to Azure using the command :


Now we can create our loop:

for resume:

If you want the script is available on my github here:

scriptazurearcserver/finalscriptarc.ps1 at main · technicalandcloud/scriptazurearcserver (


We will run our script on our DC, here is the CSV:

and our script:

Now we run, we are asked to connect:

After successful authentication, the script runs:

After a few minutes of patience, the servers are back in Azure:

I hope the script helps you, as it helps me!


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